My Girl is One!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wow!  How did that year go by so fast and at the same time I enjoyed  all the moments through the last year.   Once she started walking - time seemed to jet forward.    Lena started walking at 8 1/2 months.      I am so glad John waited till he was 14 months.     It was an adorable process watching her learn to walk as she practiced hard to keep up with her big brother.     She loves to be chased by John up and down the halls.     In the last month, stairs and getting off the couch became her new goal.     John  helps her turn her butt around and scoot down the step or off the couch.  She is up to a small run that I can not get enough of watching.   

It touches me to watch how sweet John is with her even when he doesn't want to be sweet to her!    He has gently learned when she wants his snake to give her something else.  I find that so cool because he doesn't like to do that with other kiddos!    He likes to be called 'BaBa' and tell folks he is the big brother.

Sharing my arms for snuggles has not been easy for John.    The solution has been to take turns while Lena switches sides to nurse  and then snuggling up to John after Lena is done nursing.   She is a cute nursing baby!   She switches sides a lot and like me kiss her toes when she kicks her little, sweet smelling foot up towards me.     She still falls asleep in my lap while nursing and she has this soothing rubbing of my breast that lulls me to sleep too!

She is toothless which is cute as can be.    She like to smack her lips together when she really likes the taste of something.     She enjoys food because she watched  John's  love of food.   She wanted to start eating around 8 months.   She gums everything and want to try it all!

Her hair is beautiful and getting long!   I can now do a cute ponytail in back.   She came out with head full of hair and never lost it!

So that is my little girl.    I was in San Diego during her birthday for an unschooling conference.  I went to San Diego with a baby and returned with a one year old.
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