Friday Fill In for Late July

Friday, July 19, 2013

1. So I upgraded my Feng Shui colors in the master bedroom!
2. On the other hand, 50% of Feng Shui is intention.
3. There is a lot to be said to creating your own reality ~ we all do it anyway so it might as well be done consciously.
4. Boston Cream Pie is my favorite birthday dessert.
5. What represents happiness to me: appreciation for what is (and really living it - not just lip service and new age speak).
6. As Dave (my SO) says, the early bird drinks a lot of coffee.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner with my family and some one on one time with my honey, tomorrow my plans include more culling and love making and Sunday, I want to go to Rollingsville's Roy's Last Shot to listen to friend Mary sing in her band Nokuthula !
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